Have you ever wished that your nose was straight; that you could rid yourself of that annoying bump which spoils your profile? That can easily be achieved with an injection of such ‘filler’ material as either Restylane or Radiasse.

A touch of extra volume can make an enormous difference to your looks. Being a non-invasive treatment, this procedure takes only 10 to 20 minutes to perform. You may feel some discomfort in the targeted area but, given local anaesthesia, the pain is minimal. Moreover, make-up can be applied immediately after the treatment.

Here is an example of non-invasive rhinoplasty with Restylane:




This young woman had a slight bump on her nose but did not want to undergo any surgical procedure. Therefore, the doctor used Restylane filler to make her nose profile appear smooth.



As the body gradually absorbs hyaluronic acid such as Restylane, the effect is non-permanent which means you can decide what suits you best; you can take control of how you look.


Now available at Le Coquelicot Plastic Surgery we have a longer lasting filler, a brand new FDA approved material called Radiasse.
If you want to retain your Restylane look, you might like to have a repeat procedure using Radiasse.



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